Student Successes
Dr. Alejandro Castro presents his MPVM Project
June 2, 2023 (In Person)

Dr. Alejandro Castro presented his MPVM project in June 2023. His research delved into mapping the assistance provided to California's livestock producers through federal natural disaster programs, and utilized gradient boosting models with random effects to predict such disbursements in the future. Dr. Castro emphasized the significance of understanding the connection between climate events and economic subsidies. His work is aimed at helping policy and decision-makers better support the agricultural sector and ensure the continued viability of these programs in the face of natural disasters.
Kai Isomura presents his thesis at the Spring 2023 presentation
June 2, 2023 (In Person)

Kai Isomura gave his presentation entitled "Characterization of the pig movement network in a large production system in the US: Implications for disease prevention and control" on June 2nd, 2023. He characterized the movement of pigs between farms in large production systems and quantified the role of pig movement in the transmission of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome. After completing his thesis, he will resume his career at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries in the Government of Japan.
Kyle Yomogida presents his PhD dissertation
March 20, 2023 (In Person)

Kyle Yomogida presented his Ph.D. dissertation entitled New Approaches for an Old Disease: Epidemiological Factors Related to Flea-borne Typhus in California. The projects evaluated flea-borne typhus surveillance data in California from 2011-2019 to summarize epidemiological trends, identify regions with high transmission, assess surveillance data ascertainment, and develop a mathematical model for disease transmission. He will also join the Epidemic Intelligence Service at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this summer.
UC ANR Statewide Conference 2023
April 24-27, 2023 (In Person)

Dr. Alejandro Castro, MPVM student, presented his research on mapping and modeling the economic impact of climatic events on livestock producers in California at the 2023 UC ANR Statewide Conference. This biennial event is organized by the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) and provides an opportunity for UC academics, programmatic staff, and county-based educators from across the state to come together and share their knowledge and expertise. The conference also attracts representatives from partner organizations, government agencies, and the private sector.
Dr. Castro's research sheds new light on the challenges facing California's agriculture industry and highlights the role of Federal Assistance Programs in mitigating these impacts. His presentation was just one of many keynote presentations, workshops, panel discussions, and poster sessions that covered a wide range of topics related to UC ANR's mission of serving California's agriculture, natural resources, and communities.
ISVEE 2022
August 7-13, 2022 (In Person)

Dr. Kyuyoung Lee presented his research about global and US spread and evolution of equine influenza in 16th International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE16) in Halifax, Canada.
His research investigated cross-regional spread and evolution of equine influenza virus (EIV) H3N8 at US and global scales using Bayesian phylogeography based on a total of 297 haemagglutinin (HA) gene. His study found multiple cross-regional spread of EIV H3N8 spread at US and global scales and significant antigenic drift in key antigenic sites of the HA gene. In addition, his presentation found an impact of sampling bias in phylogeography through sub-sampling and addressed careful interpretation of phylogeography. This study is expected that these findings will contribute to cost-effective target intervention and surveillance and help to apply the genomic epidemiology to the US and global equine industry.
GARA 2022
May 24-27, 2022 (In-Person)

Post Doc, Carlos Gonzalez-Crespo Attended and Presented at 2022 GARA
Punta Cana, Dominican Republic - Dr. Carlos Gonzalez-Crespo attended the Global African Swine Fever Research Alliance (GARA) 2022 scientific meeting, in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. He presented his work "Suitability modelling of Ornithodoros spp. in California and overlapping with domestic and feral pig populations to identify ASFV high-risk areas under current and future climatic conditions" and "Assessing the risk of an African swine fever outbreak posed by urban wild boar in Barcelona (Spain) using an Agent-Based Model approach".
ICAHS 2022
May 2, 2022 (In-Person)

Jose Pablo Gomez Vazquez, Jerome Baron, and Shadira Gordon Facilitated Workshop at ICAHS in Copenhagen, Denmark
Copenhagen, Denmark. As part of the pre-workshops for the International Conference on Animal Health Surveillance (ICAHS) 2022, Pablo Gomez organized and facilitated a workshop on spatiotemporal analysis of social networks. The workshop was held at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and participants included 16 participants from over 10 different countries and institutions. Other CADMS and former CADMS members helped facilitate the workshop including Jerome Baron and Shadira Gordon. More information about the workshop can be found here.

Shadira Gordon poster presentation about the use of environmental DNA for fish pathogen surveillance
Copenhagen, Denmark. Shadira Gordon attended the 4th International Conference on Animal Health Surveillance (ICAHS) 2022 in Copenhagen, Denmark, where she presented a poster about the analysis of fish pathogens distribution in Plumas County, CA, using environmental DNA.
She highlighted the importance of this technique as a fast and non-invasive surveillance method to detect fish pathogens and identify high-risk factors contributing to their persistence in the environment.
Shadira Gordon presented her MPVM dissertation
March 18, 2022 (In-Person)
Shadira Gordon presented her MPVM dissertation entitled: Analysis of fish pathogens distribution using environmental DNA in Plumas National Forest, CA. In this study, it was observed that Environmental DNA can be an effective tool to detect fish pathogens in areas affected by wildfire or other adverse climatic events. Stream flow levels, water temperature, distance to a hydroelectric dam construction, and fire occurrence were identified as high-risk factors associated with an increased positive pathogen detection. These factors may pose a threat for already endangered fish species and risk-based surveillance programs should be implemented to prevent future disease outbreaks in Plumas National Forest, CA.
Mosquito and Vector Control Association of California -- 90th Annual Conference
February 8th, 2022 (In-Person)
Kyle Yomogida attended the Mosquito and Vector Control Association of California -- 90th Annual Conference, in Sacramento, CA. He presented his work “GIS Exploration Allows for a New Look at an Old Disease, Flea-borne Typhus in California 2011-2019”.
CRWAD 2021
December 8th, 2021 (Online Presentation)
Kyuyoung Lee presents Assessment of knowledge and behavior of backyard farmers in California about animal health and antimicrobial use
Our study evaluated knowledge and behavior of backyard farmers in California regarding animal health management, antimicrobial use, Veterinary Feed Directive and CA Senate Bill 27. A total of 253 backyard farmers responded to the survey. They mostly raised chickens and/or small ruminants with a small herd size (< 10). Backyard and small-scale farmers mainly used antibiotics for individual treatment of livestock with the guidance of veterinarians and rarely used antibiotics as preventive measures in feed or water. About 20% of respondents answered that VFD and SB27 affected antibiotic uses. and the veterinary service and VCPR strengthened the impact of two legislation, and also promoted the cooperation between veterinarian and farmers. We could conclude that VFD and SB27 positively led Californian backyard farmers in terms of antibiotic use to livestock and better access to veterinary services or VCPR could enhance the impact of two legislation and minimize the risk of AMR in Californian backyard and small-scale farms.
December 8th, 2021 (In-Person)
Marta Carreño Gútiez presents at CRWAD
Marta Carreño Gútiez presented “Methods for estimating withdrawal interval recommendations for fenbendazole administered in feed to ring-necked pheasant” at the Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases (CRWAD) in Chicago. This pharmacokinetic study was performed by CADMS and FARAD laboratories, and was funded by USDA, NIFA grant.
December 5th - 7th, 2021 (In-Person)
Dr. Ruwini Rupasinghe presented at the CRWAD
Dr. Rupasinghe presented on “Molecular evolution of ORF5 of field PRRSV-2 strains in the United States from 2001 to 2020”. She was also participating as a moderator of one virology session. This work was a product of the BigData collaboration of CADMS with UC Davis Computer Science.
Exit Seminar 2021
November 30th, 2021 (Online Presentation)
New tools for the risk assessment and modelling of African swine fever in backyard predominant settings
Kathleen presented her work identifying risk pathways for African swine fever introduction into North Macedonia, and the use of social network analysis and modelling approaches to evaluate the most effective mitigation strategies for the country and region. This work provides one of the most in-depth explorations of backyard pig farming practices in the region, and discusses methods for accessing and improving disease outcomes in backyard predominant settings.
UCD One Health Symposium & UCSF Health Disparities Symposium 2021
November 6th, 2021 (Online Presentation)
Proposed Incorporation of a One Health Approach in a Framework to Address Minority Health & Health Disparities
Brittany Morgan presented on the adaptation aims to facilitate health disparities researchers in incorporating a One Health approach in their work to foster multidisciplinary and multisectoral endeavors.
PERS & CAERS Joing Virtual Conference

Shadira Gordon received an honorable mention at the Pacific Estuarine Research Society (PERS) and the California Estuarine Research Society (CAERS) Joint Virtual Conference “Shellfish to Salmon: Science in the Face of Climate Change.”
April 22-24, 2021 (virtual)
Shadira Gordon presented the preliminary results of her MPVM thesis "Effect of climatic factors in fish pathogen distribution over time and usefulness of environmental DNA as an early detection method," under the supervision of Dr. Beatriz Martínez López and Dr. Esteban Soto.
The main goal of this event was to increase awareness of multi-stressors in coastal and estuarine ecosystems and promote communication among scientists, policy-makers, and students to propose meaningful actions. The PERS board judged the oral presentations of graduate students from different universities across the U.S. and awarded her an honorable mention in the oral presentations category.
SHEA 2021
Spring 2021 (Online Presentation)
Brittany Morgan presents Interrupted Time-Series Analysis to Evaluate the Impact of a Behavioral Change Outpatient Antibiotic Stewardship Intervention
Brittany Morgan presented on a project evaluating the impact of an intervention meant to reduce antibiotic prescribing for respiratory infections.
Spring 2021 (Online Presentation, International Conference)
Brittany Morgan, Laura Fejerman, and Larissa May presented Interrupted Time-Series Analysis to Evaluate the Impact of a Behavioral Change Outpatient Antibiotic Stewardship Intervention
Brittany Morgan and her team presented on a project evaluating the impact of an intervention meant to reduce antibiotic prescribing for respiratory infections.
CRWAD 2020
December 2020 (Online Presentation)
Brittany Morgan presents Using Bayesian Networks to Identify MIC Distribution Profiles for E. Coli isolates from Dairy Heifers in California
Brittany Morgan gave a presentation on a project exploring how to model AMR data in livestock animals for bacterial species without traditional "resistant" or "susceptible" interpretations.
AAEP 2019
December 2019
Kyuyoung Lee presents at American Association of Equine Practitioners Convention
Kyuyoung Lee attended the 65th Annual American Association of Equine Practitioners Convention in Denver, Colorado. During the conference, Kyuyoung presented his research “Is Current Vaccine Failure of Equine Influenza Virus Due to Evolution of Endemic Strains of Introduction of Foreign Strains?"
CRWAD 2019
November 2019
Kathleen O'Hara presents at CRWAD
Kathleen O'Hara recently attended the Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases (CRWAD) centennial celebration in Chicago, IL., where she presented on "Using dynamic time warping algorithms and spatiotemporal analyses of swine condemnations for syndromic surveillance." This work was a product of CADMS' Big Data collaboration with UC Davis Computer Science. On top of the conference, the team made sure to enjoy some of the local attractions.
African Swine Fever Panel
August 2019
Integrating One Health for Agriculture and Veterinary Science conference for faculty from Jiangsu Agri-animal Husbandry Vocational College, WIFSS, UC Davis
Kathleen presented a talk to visiting faculty from Jiangsu Agri-animal Husbandry and Vocational College on the use of epidemiological methods to understand animal disease, design surveillance and develop mitigation strategies using African swine fever as an example. She also served as an invited speaker for the African swine fever panel discussion supporting UC Davis' Western Institute for Food Safety and Security's Integrating One Health for Agriculture and Veterinary Science conference.
GeoVet 2019
October 2019
Laura Patterson won a poster presentation award at GEOVET 2019
PhD candidate Laura Patterson won a prize for best poster presentation at the 2019 Geovet conference held in Davis, California USA. Her poster “Preliminary spatial study to identify the distribution of feral pigs and outdoor-raised pigs in California” represents the beginning phase of chapter 2 of her dissertation, which quantifies the spatial overlap between wildlife and livestock in California, as possible disease transmission zones.
Gema Vidal won a poster presentation award at GEOVET 2019
Gema Vidal, PhD candidate, won a prize for best poster presentation, “Can we use k-nearest neighbors classifier to detect patterns in animal behavior associated with changes in metritis status in dairy cattle during post-partum?”, at the GeoVet 2019: “Novel spatio-temporal approaches in the era of Big Data” celebrated in Davis, CA. This project is part of Gema’s dissertation, where she is comparing the performance of different machine learning algorithms to classify sensor data based on health outcomes in dairy cattle.
Kyuyoung Lee won an oral presentation award at GEOVET 2019
The oral presentation, “Application of phylogeography to reconstruct Equine influenza virus migration on a global and a US scale” by Kyuyoung Lee won the 3rd rank of student oral presentation winner at the GEOVET 2019: "Novel spatio-temporal approaches in the era of Big Data” in Davis, CA from October 8th to 10th. He also made a poster presentation, "Identification of highly pathogenic avian influenza suitable areas for wild birds using species distribution models in South Korea” for the collaborative research with the veterinary epidemiology division, Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency in South Korea at GEOVET 2019.
Nárjara Veras Grossmann won an oral presentation award at GEOVET 2019
Nárjara Veras Grossmann, MPVM student won first place for student oral presentation on “How changes in species identification can affect disease prediction: A case study of a Cricetid rat and Hantavirus” at the GEOVET 2019: "Novel spatio-temporal approaches in the era of Big Data” in Davis, CA from October 8th to 10th. This project reflects her years of experience working with rodents in South America and how the unresolved taxonomy of these species can affect disease models when host habitat suitability is used. This project also aims to highlight the importance of scientific collections for the health community interested in zoonotic diseases.
UC ANR Fire Summit
April 18, 2019
County-Level Economic Risk Assessment of California Wildfires on Livestock Production
Kathleen O'Hara attended the UC Division Agriculture and Natural Resources' Fire Summit where she participated in presentations and tabletop exercises exploring approaches to improving control of wildfires in California, and presented a poster highlighting the impacts of California wildfires on livestock producers in the state.
Innovation Fellowship - Keith Sollers
April 12, 2019
Keith Sollers is awarded with the Innovator Fellowship to better prevent and control Swine Diseases
Keith, PhD candidate in Applied Mathematics, will work under this program to develop effective analytical methods, prediction models, and decision tools for detecting and mitigating swine diseases with Dr. Beatriz Martínez López. Congratulations Keith!!
MPVM thesis presentation
March 15, 2019
Yitong Huan presents her MPVM thesis on ASF risk assessment in China
Yitong defended her MPVM thesis entitled “How did African Swine Fever likely get into China: a risk assessment of ASF virus introduction into China through prohibited pork products carried by air passengers”. This project was conducted thanks to the collaboration between CADMS-UC Davis and Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU), with the supervision of Dr. Beatriz Martínez-López (UC Davis-CADMS) and Dr. Yingjuan Qian (NAU). Results of this work showed how there is a high risk of introduction of ASF through prohibited products carried by air passengers. Outcomes should also inform the risk-based, more cost-effective, allocation of border inspections as well as the need to increase awareness among air passengers to prevent high risk practices that may contribute to the spread of ASF in other Asian countries and globally.
ISVEE 15 - Chiang Mai, Thaland
November 12-16, 2018
Jerome Baron presents on spatial and temporal patterns of swine trade in Argentina
Jerome Baron presented results on spatial and temporal patterns of the swine trade in Argentina from 2011 to 2016 using graph theory and network analysis. This project looked at the structure of swine movements in Argentina using network analysis to help inform surveillance by identifying potentially strategic nodes in the network where intervention would be conducted with priority. Jerome also presented posters on animal health needs for small-scale farms, and risk factors for backyard poultry and small-scale livestock production in the western United States.
Pablo Gomez presents a model for detecting low herds immunity to FMD in Ecuador
Pablo Gomez presented the results of some of the work that we have been doing in collaboration with the national veterinary services of Ecuador (AGROCALIDAD) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) at the ISVEE 15 in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The project aims to detect areas at high risk for the presence of low immunity herds against Foot-and-Mouth Disease using species distribution models. We hope that this results can be useful for future planning of resource allocation and target surveillance in the country and help to the eradication of FMD.
Gema Vidal Fabuel presents preliminary dissertation results at ISVEE
Gema Vidal presented the preliminary results of her first dissertation chapter at the 15th ISVEE in Chiang Mai, Thailand. She is explaining how she is using machine learning classification methods to identify changes in behavior patterns that are associated with changes in dairy cattle health during the first 21 days postpartum.
Esther Kukielka presents thesis results at ISVEE
Esther Kukielka presented the finalized results of her last thesis chapter at the 15th International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE 15) in Chiang Mai, Thailand, on 12 - 16 November 2018. She was also one of the CADMS facilitators on the workshop entitled "Introduction to Network Analysis and Network Data Visualization for Veterinary Epidemiology using Open Access Tools".
CADMS team members host workshop at ISVEE
CADMS team members, Jerome Baron, Gema Fabuel Vidal, Esther Kukielka, and Kyuyoung Lee traveled to Thailand to attend ISVEE 2019 and host the pre-conference workshop, “Introduction to network analysis and network data visualization for veterinary epidemiology using open access tools.”
Global Climate Action Summit
September 10, 2018
Economic Impact of California Wildfires on Livestock Production
Kathleen O'Hara attended UC Davis's Global Climate Action Summit where she presented a poster highlighting the impacts of California wildfires on livestock producers in the state amid discussions on approaches to land management to address climate change.
IPVS 2018 - Chongqing, China
June 11-14th, 2018
CADMS-NAU collaboration team
CADMS-NAU collaboration team, led by Dr. Beatriz Martínez-López (UC Davis-Center for Animal Disease Modeling and Surveillance, CADMS) and Dr. Yingjuan Qian (Nanjing Agricultural University, NAU) participated from June 11-14thin the 25thInternational Pig Veterinary Society Congress (IPVS) and 2018 International PRRS Symposium in Chongqing Yuelai International Convention Centre, China. Two CADMS-NAU students presented their MPVM thesis in an oral presentation and two posters.
Kathleen O’Hara oral presentation about Network analysis of swine shipments in the IPVS 2018
Dr. Kathleen O'Hara, DVM, MPVM candidate at UC Davis, recently traveled to Chongqing, China, where she presented her MPVM project results conducted under the CADMS-NAU collaboration with the supervision of Dr. Beatriz Martínez-López (UC Davis-CADMS) and Dr. Yingjuan Qian (NAU). Her plenary talk titled "Network analysis of swine shipments in China: the value for animal health, food safety and security" was presented in the Epidemiology and Clinical Diseases section of the International Pig Veterinarians Society Congress (IPVS). This conference is attended by thousands of veterinarians from around the world, and Kathleen was one of only a handful of student presenters out of over 200 talks given. This visit was the culmination of an internationally collaborative project between CADMS-UC Davis and Nanjing Agricultural University, and has laid the groundwork for ongoing joint efforts to improve swine health in China and worldwide.
Yitong Huang poster presentation about the Risk of African Swine Fever introduction in China in the IPVS 2018
Dr. Yitong Huan, DVM, MPVM candidate at UC Davis presented her MPVM project results in her poster entitled “Modeling the risk of potential introduction of African swine fever into China through illegal pork products introduced by air passengers” conducted under the CADMS-NAU collaboration with the supervision of Dr. Beatriz Martínez-López (UC Davis-CADMS) and Dr. Yingjuan Qian (NAU). Her poster was presented in the Emerging and Re-emerging swine diseases section of the International Pig Veterinarians Society Congress (IPVS). Yitong research will contribute to the estimation of the risk of ASF introduction into China and the risk-based, more cost-effective allocation of border inspections and other mitigation strategies to prevent this introduction into the largest swine producer country in the world.
Seminar of Molecular Epidemiology and Phylogenetics at the Governmental Veterinary Authority in South Korea - April 2018
Kyuyoung Lee, DVM, MPVM, held the seminar about the basics of molecular epidemiology and application of phylodynamics for veterinary officers and researchers in the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural affairs in Gimcheon, South Korea. The seminar discussed how a phylogenetic tree is built from genetic sequence data of pathogens and how we can apply it to reconstruct the transmission route of pathogen using the estimated phylogenetic tree. He provided the collaborative research of Center of Animal disease modelling and surveillance and Center of equine health at UC Davis about the Equine influenza virus (EIV) in the US as a representative example of phylodynamic research and explained the association of evolutionary change of EIV as well as the spread of EIVs.
Presentations of Equine influenza virus at the Global One Health Symposium - April 5-6, 2018
Kyuyoung Lee, a Ph.D student of the Graduate Group in Epidemiology, and Yitong Huang, a graduate student in the Master of preventive veterinary medicine, made presentations in the global one health symposium in the Wageningen University in Netherlands. Two CADMS students participated in the symposium as representatives of the graduate student at UC Davis and present the result of current research in animal health. Kyuyoung presented the result of phylogenetic analysis of Equine influenza virus(EIV) identified from 2011 to 2017 in the US. He explains how we can infer the spread of EIVs in the US from the genetic sequences of pathogens and apply the characteristics of EIV evolutions to evaluate the EIV transmissions. Yitong presented the risk assessment of African swine fever introduction to China. She discussed about the quantitative risk assessment of African swine fever introduction by air passengers in major airports in China.
Esther Kukielka Presents at the Western Section of The Wildlife Society Annual Conference - February 2018
Esther Kukielka presented the preliminary results of a project she has been working on side by side with the National Park Service at The Western Section of The Wildlife Society Annual Conference (Wildlife Health and Disease Ecology section). This project aims at estimating the raccoon population density and raccoon home range in Yosemite Valley, as well as at understanding their overlapping with areas of importance regarding the conservation of the Californian Red-legged frog. Final results will be ready in the following months.
SIEVMP 2017 conference
October 19th 2017
Pablo Gomez presentation on MPVM research project
Pablo Gomez presented the results from his MPVM research project at the SIEVMP 2017 conference. His research talk was titled: “The impact of live trade, vaccination coverage and socioeconomic factors on the incidence of classical swine fever in Peru”, where he talked about the risk factors involved on the classical swine fever transmission in Peru and how can this contribute to a better understanding of the dynamic of the disease in the country. The conference took place at Valdivia, Chile, where researchers from different countries gathered to present their research findings working with Ibero-American countries.
USAHA/AAVLD Annual meeting - San Diego, CA
October 11-18th 2017
CADMS team
CADMS researchers and students, lead by Dr. Beatriz Martínez-López presented more than 9 presentations and 2 posters in different scientific sessions and committees at the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (AAVLD) and the United States Animal Health Association (USAHA) for their 60th and 121st Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA.
Kyuyoung Lee poster presentation about Equine influenza phylodynamics
Kyuyoung Lee, DVM MPVM, PhDs presented the result of research about the spatio-temporal patterns and phylogenetic analysis of Equine influenza virus from 2011 to 2016 in the US at American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (AAVLD) and the United States Animal Health Association (USAHA) for their 60th and 121st Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA. The research project collaboration between CADMS and Center of equine health (CEH) unravels the Spatial and temporal characters of H3N8 EIV spread throughout in the US, with an increasing number of EIV occurrences since 2012. The phylogenetic tree shows that all 23 EIVs in the US belonged to the clade 1 Florida sublineage and genetically close to two foreign strains from Malaysia and Japan identified in 2015 and 2017. The evolutionary distance from the EIV vaccine strain (A/equine/Ohio/1/2003) has been increased by continuous antigenic drift. Results of this study will help to provide a better understanding of EIV H3N8 evolution and opportunities for vaccine improvement.
Wen-Chi Lee presenation of Brucellosis risk assessment for California
Wen Chi Lee, DVM, MPVMc presented the study “Risk assessment of Brucellosis introduction into California from Designated Surveillance Area of Greater Yellowstone Area States” in the Epidemiology Scientific session at American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (AAVLD) and the United States Animal Health Association (USAHA) for their 60th and 121st Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA. This study will provide quantitative estimates of the risk of Brucellosis introduction into California to inform policies regarding the vaccination policies and implementation in California.
Highlights from MPVM Projects - 2017
Here are a few highlights from this year’s class’s published MPVM projects:
Monise Melle Magro published her MPVM project, entitled Spatial Patterns and Impacts of Environmental and Climatic Factors on Canine Sinonasal Aspergillosis in Northern California in the July 2017 issue of Frontiers in Veterinary
Kyuyoung Lee published in Preventive Veterinary Medicine in March 2017 - Unraveling the contact patterns and network structure of pig shipments in the U.S. and its association with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus outbreaks.
Graduation of 2016-2017 MPVM students!
Sara Amirpour Haredash was selected for the Keller Pathway Fellows Program. Congratulations Sara!!! - October 2017 - June 2018

Jose Pablo Gomez presented his MPVM thesis - August 2017
Jose Pablo Gomez presented his MPVM thesis entitled: “Evaluation of the impact of live pig trade network, vaccination coverage and socioeconomic factors in the classical swine fever eradication program in Peru”. Congratulations Pablo for the excellent work!
Dr. Jaber Belkiria speaks at Fulbright Conference - February 2017
Dr. Jaber Belkhiria was invited to speak at the Fulbright student alumni conference on contemporary health issues (Cairo). Dr. Belkhiria focused on the importance of multidisciplinary efforts to solve emerging health issues and new strategies to manage complex health data.
Esther Kukielka got selected for the Wildlife Health Center fellowship - February 2017
Esther Kukielka got selected for the Wildlife Health Center fellowship to work in the study entitled: "Investigating raccoon abundance, home range and Baylisascaris procyonis prevalence in Yosemite National Park and its association with human occupancy in Yosemite Valley”. Congratulations Esther!!
Esther Kukielka received the Deans' Prize for Best Oral Presentation in Veterinary Medicine - April 2016
Esther Kukielka received the Dean’s Prize for Best Oral Presentation in Veterinary Medicine for her presentation entitled “Evaluation of the pig trade patterns in Georgia: implications for disease introduction and spread." She was awarded this in the 2016 UC Davis Interdisciplinary Graduate and Professional Student Symposium. Congratulations Esther!
Kyuyoung Lee receives award at GEOVET - November 2016
Kyuyoung Lee won “Best young scientist oral presentation award' in the 'GEOVET 2016: international conference of spatial epidemiology for animal heath”. The topic for the presentation was "Spatial and temporal characteristics of migration routes of wild waterfowls wintering from 2013 to 2016 in South Korea”.
Dr. Jaber Belkhiria receives "Best Graduate Student Oral Presentation" award - November 2015
Dr. Jaber Belkhiria received the award “Best Graduate Student Oral presentation” for his presentation entitled “Applications of Species Distribution Modeling for Avian Influenza Surveillance in the United States considering the North America Migratory Flyways” that was presented at the International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE, 2015) in Merida, Mexico. This work was later published in the prestigious Journal “Scientific Reports of Nature”:
Nathaniel LaHue presented his MPVM thesis - August 2015
Nathaniel LaHue presented his MPVM thesis entitled: “Spatially explicit modeling of animal tuberculosis at the wildlife-livestock interface in Ciudad Real province, Spain". Congratulations Nate for the excellent work!