User-Friendly Tools and Intelligence Systems
Our team is also actively working to translate our research into on-line, operational, user-friendly, decision-support tools and intelligence systems that can be used by the industry, private practitioners, official vets and related stakeholders to support daily decisions and with impact locally and globally. In that line, we have developed and continue to maintain the Disease BioPortal™ and the Disease NEWS services in collaboration with national and international collaborators.
The Disease BioPortal™ is a web-based, user-friendly, information technology (IT) platform for near real-time capture and secure access, sharing, visualization and analysis of local, regional and global disease information. This tool based on Big Data analytics is currently implemented in different countries for diverse livestock production systems (e.g. swine, poultry, dairy and salmon industry) but can be used in multiple research disciplines to address very diverse analytical problems. Currently, Disease BioPortal™ has approximately 1,748 daily users. The Disease BioPortal is unique in the sense that it is one of the few tools available linking pathogen genomics with animal-, herd-, environmental-level data to support risk analysis and evidence-based decision making.
Diagnostic Tests: this page compiles a set of useful resources in Diagnostic Epidemiology and Bayesian Epidemiologic Screening Techniques (e.g. Sensitivity, Specificity, Prevalence estimation tools) developed under the leadership of Dr Ian A. Gardner and Dr Wesley O. Johnson.